Signup/Get Started Once you signup, we shall setup a dedicated test site server. You maybe required to point your domain/subdomain to the server if you want to have a white label service.
Templates Customization Once the server is ready, you may install your required plugins/themes. Multiple templates with different settings can be created for various use cases.
Send users to your Test Site Server Put a Button or link on your Website/ Email blast to point your customers to Test Site creator page. e.g. You may also place the Test Site Creator Form on your own website.
For Testing Users
Visit Your Site User shall submit the name and Email via the Test Site Creator form on your website. He can optionally select the required template.
Click the Link Site Create link shall be sent to the provided email. Once he clicks the link, the personal test site is created and the user is auto logged-in to the WordPress dashboard. Login credentials are emailed as well.
Is it secure? Is there any chance that a user can download my product from the test site?
Test users can only use the themes/ plugins that you have installed. Since they cannot install any plugin or edit any code, they can never download your plugin/ theme from a test site.
Is there a way to know who have created test sites?
All test sites are created only for a valid email. In your dashboard, you may check and download a list of testing users.
Can a user install plugins on a test site installation?
No, a user cannot install plugin/ themes on a test site. They can only enable/ disable the plugins & themes that you have installed being a super admin of the test sites.
Can I create some template to use as base for creating test sites?
Yes, you can create as many base templates as you want. These base templates can be configured with an active theme, plugins, pages, posts, CPTs data and related settings. Once a test site is created on the base of such templates, it is cloned with exact same settings and data.
What happens when I have an update of my product?
You get super admin access to the server, so you can install, update, activate or delete any theme or plugin you like. However, under EULA, you can not download any code of TryWp or use such code anywhere other than TryWp provided servers.
Can I set expiry for test sites?
Yes, you can choose any expiry duration (in number of hours) for test sites. Default is 48 hours. Maximum expiry that can be set/extended for a test site is 720 hours (30 days).
Can I use one account to create test sites for 2 or more different plugins?
It depends upon your preference. You may choose to only pay for 1 server and create separate templates for different plugins. Please remember that all templates on a server share the same set of available plugins/themes. If you want to have different set of plugins/themes then separate servers are required.
Can I limit my Monthly bill?
Yes, you can limit your monthly bill by putting a monthly test sites limit in your dashboard. After that limit is reached, no user will be able to create any additional test sites. You shall be notified if monthly test sites limit is reached.
How many test sites can be created in a Month?
You can set this limit. However on regular server, potential users can create a maximum of 500 test sites per month. For more than 500 test sites per month, please contact us to get a premium server and volume discounts in pricing.
How Invoice is calculated, sent and paid?
Invoice: Between the 1st and 5th of each month, the number of test sites created in the previous month is calculated for your server and an invoice is sent to you on your registered email.
Payment: The invoice shall contain a link to the payment page where you can pay this invoice. The due date for the invoice payment is the 10th of every month.
Overdue: If the invoice is not paid till the 15th of the current month, then your server shall be put on temporary hold.
Why Invoice payment system is not automated?
Invoice payment system is not automated as we want to give our users some liberty regarding:
Ability to choose payment method for invoice
Verify test sites count in your dashboard
Inconvenience of Credit Card details stored with us.
What is BooSpot? is a project of BooSpot. All of the payments shall be processed under the name of BooSpot.
What payment options are available?
You can pay through Paypal / Visa Card. (Master Card can be used if processed through Paypal option selected)
A user can create a fully functional test drive in less than 30 sec.